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Mason Intermediate

Mason Intermediate (MI) serves Mason City Schools’ fifth and sixth grade students.  MI prides itself on having created a safe and engaging learning environment for our students, staff, and parents.  As you walk into the building, you will notice several small communities set in "learning pods" in order to give students the feel of a small school environment.  Our teachers constantly receive training on research proven teaching techniques and ways in which students learn best.


About Mason Intermediate

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Get Involved

We love family and community involvement. Visit us at an upcoming event, join the PTO or contribute to the Mason Schools Foundation. Whatever your level of participation interest, there's an opportunity to make a difference.


Mason Intermediate School, 6307 Mason Montgomery Rd, Mason, OH 45040, USA
Mason High School - Large Commons, 6100 Mason Montgomery Rd, Mason, OH 45040, USA


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